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Tvorba: 28/05/2010 02:58
Aktualizovať: 28/05/2010 03:01
Články 1
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Návštevy v týždni 3009
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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Článok: 4Story's Reputation System - 28/05/2010 03:01

4Story's Reputation System

In 4Story Li Dai a good player, but finally, after 100 hours, which is the concept of reputation systems is a very successful play another game and will do better 4Story online trust. Note: This is not the close of Warcraft.

Hall of Fame / Honor System :
When you kill a player from another country, you say fame dependence between 1-50 points, 20 to 50 level(4Story Luna) range, so their level, may be killed from another level of 50-50 games But fame and fortune to kill a level 20 35. A certain amount of reputation points in your name appears, to show you say, PVP rank, for example, to match different colors.
120 000 - Green name
00000 - White name
15000 - pink name
250 000 - purple name
500000 - Kim Name
30000 - Light Blue Name
60000 - Orange Name

As you probably already do not know, do not kill them if the only way to get fame player. You also can get special reputation, can be once a day (an association of such events to complete the task name), you get 250 points, fame, such as 30 minutes or 1 hour pursuit, you have to go through a map, a hard mob to kill Xie and kill the boss died, and then a large scale in the final boss, and get a lot of import and export on the road!